subota, 7. siječnja 2012.

Teriyak Chicken Sushi

Teriyaki Chicken

1 chicken breast fillet, skin removed 
1 orange 
1 tablespoon teriyaki sauce
1.Slice the chicken breast in half, and then into long thin strips.
2.In a bowl combine teriyaki sauce, orange zest and juice of the orange.
3.Add chicken strips and toss well to coat with marinade. Mix well and cover with plastic wrap. Allow meat to marinate in the refrigerator for at least an hour and no longer than 24 hours.
4.To cook the chicken, heat a non-stick pan to a moderate heat, drain the chicken and reserve the marinade.
5.Cook the chicken in batches until all the meat is cooked through. Reduce the heat to low, and return all the meat to the pan with the remaining marinade.
6.Toss well to coat with marinade and cook gently for a few minutes until marinade reduces and coats chicken.
7.Remove from pan and allow to cool if making sushi or serve warm with steamed or stir fry vegetables and Basmati rice.

Sushi Rolls

1 cup short grain rice or basmati rice 
2 cups water 
30ml rice wine vinegar 
30g sugar
1.Rinse the rice 2 or 3 times in cold water and drain well. Cover with 2 cups of water and cook using the absorption method.
2.When rice is cooked, place sugar and rice wine vinegar in a small saucepan and stir over low heat until sugar dissolves.
3.While  still warm stir into the cooked rice.
Line a baking tray with plastic wrap and spread rice over tray and allow rice to cool.

To Roll Sushi 


bamboo mat 
plastic wrap 
3-4 sheets nori 
Lemon Juice
1.Peel and slice the avocado and squeeze lemon over the slice to prevent them browning. 
2.Cut cucumber lengthways in halves and remove seeds (remove skin if preferred) and cut into 5-7mm square strips.
3.Peel and grate the carrot. 

4.Working so that the sushi roll will roll away from you, cover your bamboo mat with a plastic wrap, and then place a sheet of nori down. (The plastic wrap will help keep the mat clean. Bamboo mats often warp when drying after being immersed in water.)
5.Wet your hands and spread rice over the nori sheet so that it is loosely packed and approximately 10-13mm (half inch) thick, leaving a strip about 20mm clear of rice on the edge facing away from you.
6.You should be able to see the nori through the rice. The biggest mistake when making sushi is using too much rice and packing it down too firmly. The pressure applied when rolling will press everything together.
7.Along the edge closest to you, place a line of avocado, cucumber, a thin layer of carrot and pieces of chicken. Slowly fold the mat over, tucking the end of the nori to start the roll. Lift the mat and plastic wrap as you go. Continue rolling until you reach the end of the nori.
8.Brush the edge of the nori with a little rice wine vinegar or water and seal edge. 

9.Transfer to a new sheet of plastic wrap and refrigerate until you are ready to serve. Repeat with remaining ingredients.
10.To slice your sushi rolls, run your knife under cold water, a moist knife will prevent it sticking. Re-moisten the knife before you make each cut. First cut the roll in half, then cut each half into either thirds or quarters. Turn the pieces on end and arrange on a platter to serve.
Serve with light soy, pickled ginger and wasabi.
Alternative fillings are smoked or raw salmon.

Lemon pepper beef kebabs with bean salad

Lemon pepper beef kebabs
         with bean salad


750g – 1kg thick cut rump steak
½ cup lemon pepper and marinade
2 red peppers, cut into thirds
2 oranges, peeled and segmented
425g can four bean mix in brine, well drained
¼ cup each chopped fresh parsley and basil or chives
3 -4 spring onions, trimmed and roughly cut
2 cups well-packed baby lettuce leaves
2 –3 tblsp olive oil


1.Cut the rump steak into 3cm dice and toss in a bag with lemon pepper
Dressing and marinade. Seal and leave for 30 minutes.

2.Grill the red peppers until well blackened. Cool and then peel away
the charred skin and dice.

3.toss the peppers with the oranges, four bean mix, herbs, spring onions
and lettuce leaves and olive oil. (season with salt and pepper if

4.thread the beef onto skewers and barbecue over a moderate heat
on greased plate until cooked to your liking. Turn regularly to
ensure even cooking.

5. plate up and serve! 

Tandoori Chicken Thighs

Tandoori Chicken Thighs

Serves: 4-6
Prep time: 5 minutes / marinate: 20 minutes (but preferably overnight)
Cooking time: 20 minutes


8-12 Skewers (soaked if wooden)
600g chicken thighs, trimmed
1 packet butter chicken recipe mix (46g)
½ cup yoghurt

Cooking instructions:


Thread two skewers into each piece of chicken thigh.
Combine the butter chicken recipe mix with yoghurt.
Spread onto each side of the chicken thighs,
cover and marinate for at least 20 minutes
 (but preferably overnight)
Cook on a preheated barbecue for 7-10 minutes each side,
or until cooked through. 

petak, 6. siječnja 2012.


·         3 vece crvene paprika babure
·         30 dag svjezeg kravljeg sira
·         Nekoliko listova zelene salate “Puterice”
·         1 vezica luka vlasca
·         Persunov list
·         Papar, sol

·      Oprane paprika babure prerezite vodoravno 

na pola I ocistite od sjemenki i zilica. 

Sir osolite, popaprite i dodajte Nasjeckan 

vlasac i izmjesajte u jednolicnu  smjesu, 

pa njime Napunite polovine babura.

Svaku polovinu napunjene paprike Stavite na manje 

tanjurice s opranim listovima zelene salate 

I ukrasite grancicama  persunovog lista.


·         O


            MALI   SAvJETI

Malo drugaciji pire

O ljekovitim svojstvima luka
Znalo se jos u starom Egiptu.
Moderna znanost to je samo
Potvrdila, ali sto vrijedi kad se  vasi
Ukucani mrste na njega
Pokusajte ga lukavo servirati,a
Da oni to i ne znaju.Razrezanu glavicu
Luka stavitekuhati zajedno s oljustenim
krompirom od kojeg cete kasnije
napraviti pire.
Okus pireja bit ce malo drugaciji,no
promjene su uvijek dobro dosle kod
pravihsladokusaca.Isto mozete pokusati
drugi put i s malo mrkve.Kod mjesanja
pirea dodajte i malo sira.
Vodu u kojoj se krompir kuhao nemojte
Baciti nego cete od njega napraviti juhu.

utorak, 3. siječnja 2012.


·          Purica od 3 kg
·         Povrce za juhu
·         50 dag brasna
·         1 jaje
·         Ulje
·         Sol

·         Puricu dobro operite, ocijedite, osusite i osolite sa
Vanjske strane i unutarnje strane,pa je ostavite
1 sat da navuce sol.
Nakon toga je stavite u namascen lim, u utrobu
stavite ocisceno povrce za juhu, prelite je mjesavinom
ulja i vode i pecite u pecnici na srednjoj vatri (220)
za vrijeme pecenja puricu zaljevajte vlastitim sokom.
Ako tekucina i masnoce u limu ispare dodajte malo
Topple vode da sok ne izgori.
Takoder, za vrijeme pecenja, puricu 2-3 puta okrenite
Da bude ravnomjerno pecena.
·         U meduvremenu umijesite mlince od brasna, jaja i
malo osoljene vode. Umijesite polucvrsto tijesto.
Podijelite ga na vise manjih loptica pa ih valjkom izvaljajte
Na debljinu tupe strane noza.
Tako razvaljano tijesto pecite na srijednje zagrijanoj ploci stednjaka da svijetlo porumeni sa odje strane.
Pecene mlince zdrobite promijera 5x5 centimetra,stavite ih u posudu, zalijte kipucom vodom, pokrite poklopcem i pustite oko 2-3 minute da se moce,a nakon toga ocijedite.
Prelate ih masnocom u kojoj se pekla purica i izmijesajte.
·         Narezanu puricu poredajte na pladanj a pored nje mlince,a ispod mesa podlijte malo soka od pecenja.
                        Posluzite sa salatom od cikle.


·         1 tikvica (oko 200g)
·         1vezica kopra
·         20g maslaca
·         1 vrecica Krem-juhe od cesnjaka                                     
                                                                    NACIN PRIPREME:

·         Tikvicu narezite na kockice i poprzite na maslacu.
          Dolijte 7.5dl mlake vode, umijesajte 
          sadrzaj vrecice Krem-juhe od cesnjaka,
·         lagano promijesajte, a kada zakipi, kuhajte jos oko 10 minuta.
·         Na kraju dodajte svjeze narezani kopar. 
           VRIJEME PRIPREME : oko 20 minuta
          ENARGETSKA VRIJEDNOST OBROKA: 543 kj / 129 kcal